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Welcome to our Shop

When you donate to ANBU UK, you're contributing directly to the Transitions and Wellbeing Project and its vital components, such as the culturally sensitive trauma-informed training.


The money raised will impact our work in four main ways:

1. Resource Development: We use donated funds to create culturally sensitive resources that survivors of CSA and their families can access for guidance, support, and healing. 

2. Training and Education: Your contributions enable us to conduct trauma-informed training sessions for mental health professionals, community leaders, and volunteers, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to address the unique needs of CSA survivors within the Tamil community.

3. Support Services: A significant portion of the donations goes towards maintaining our helplines, in-person support groups, and online assistance programs. This ensures that survivors of CSA have a safe space to seek help and receive the support they deserve.

4. Advocacy and Awareness: We advocate for policy changes that improve mental health services for CSA survivors. Your donations amplify our voice and impact at a systemic level.

©2021 by ANBU.
Abuse Never Becomes Us UK. ANBU UK is a registered UK charity number 1178540

Complaints and Reporting

To see our complaints procedure or make a complaint, please click here.

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